
StaticSpawnDataContainer (filled)

Defines static spawn placements.


Count - Int32

Count to spawn.

DistributionWeightType - LG_StaticDistributionWeightType (enum)

Defines random distribution type.

Weight_is_zeroToOne_startToEnd - scales DistributionWeight from zero to one by area.

Weight_is_exact_node_index - clamps DistributionWeight to area index.

DistributionWeight - Single

Weight value for distribution.

DistributionRandomBlend - Single

How much (0-1) session seed is allowed to affect weight.

DistributionResultPow - Single

Raises distribution result to this power.

StaticSpawnDataId - UInt32 (StaticSpawnDataBlock)

Static spawn ID.

FixedSeed - Int32

Defines fixed seed. Used when static spawn RandomType is set to fixed seed.

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