Enum Types
A list of every enum type related to the game's Datablocks
No description provided.
None - 0
BossPhase0 - 1
BossPhase1 - 2
BossPhase2 - 3
BossPhase3 - 4
BossPhase4 - 5
BossPhase5 - 6
BossStateCombat - 11
BossStateSpawn - 12
BossStateRage - 13
BossStateIntro - 14
None - 0
Melee - 1
Ranged - 2
Alarm - 3
Defensive - 4
Healing - 5
GroupEnhance - 6
Detection - 7
DoorBreaker - 8
SpawnChildren - 9
Off - 0
Agressive - 1
Patrolling - 2
Scout - 3
Hibernate - 4
None - 0
RegenerationCap - 1
RegenerationSpeed - 2
HealSupport - 3
ReviveSpeedSupport - 4
ReviveStartHealthSupport - 5
MeleeResistance - 6
ProjectileResistance - 7
InfectionResistance - 8
DamageOverTime - 9
Nanoswarm_Shield - 10
Nanoswarm_Weakness - 11
ExplosionResistance - 12
PistolDamage - 50
SMGDamage - 51
DMRDamage - 52
AssaultRifleDamage - 53
CarbineDamage - 54
AutoPistolDamage - 55
HELDamage - 56
ShotgunDamage - 58
RevolverDamage - 59
SniperDamage - 60
BurstCannonDamage - 61
MachineGunDamage - 62
MachinePistolDamage - 63
RifleDamage - 64
BurstRifleDamage - 65
DoubleTapRifle - 66
BullpupRifleDamage - 67
CombatShotgunDamage - 68
ChokeModShotgunDamage - 69
StandardWeaponDamage - 70
SpecialWeaponDamage - 71
GlueStrength - 100
GlueEfficiency - 101
SentryGunSpeed - 102
SentryGunDamage - 103
SentryGunLongRangeDamage - 104
SentryGunShortRangeDamage - 105
TripMineDamage - 106
ScannerRechargeSpeed - 107
AmmoSupport - 108
HackingProficiency - 150
ComputerProcessingSpeed - 151
InitialAmmoStandard - 152
InitialAmmoSpecial - 153
InitialAmmoTool - 154
FogRepellerEffect - 155
GlowstickEffect - 156
BioscanSpeed - 157
MeleeDamage - 200
MovementSpeed - 250
MovementAcceleration - 251
Unspecified - 1
EnemyCripple - 2
EnemyRunner - 4
EnemyFiddler - 8
EnemyLow - 16
EnemyCrawlFlip - 32
EnemyCrawl - 64
EnemyGiant - 128
EnemyBig - 256
EnemyExploder - 512
EnemyBirtherCrawlFlip - 1024
EnemyPouncer - 2048
Common - 0
Uncommon - 1
Rare - 2
_COUNT - 3
None - 0
Corpse - 1
Ground - 2
Shelf - 4
DigSite - 8
Refinery - 16
Storage - 32
DataCenter - 64
Lab - 128
Floodways - 256
AllComplex - 504
Any - 4294967295
None - 0
Complex_Shared - 1
Complex_Mining - 2
Complex_Tech - 3
Complex_Service - 4
Startup - 5
Gear_Weapon_Front - 20
Gear_Weapon_Receiver - 30
Gear_Weapon_Stock - 40
Gear_Weapon_Sight - 50
Gear_Weapon_Mag - 60
Gear_Weapon_Flashlight - 70
Gear_Tool_Main - 80
Gear_Tool_Grip - 90
Gear_Tool_Delivery - 100
Gear_Tool_Payload - 110
Gear_Tool_Targeting - 120
Gear_Tool_Screen - 130
Gear_Melee_Head - 140
Gear_Melee_Neck - 150
Gear_Melee_Handle - 160
Gear_Melee_Pommel - 170
Gear_Material - 200
Enemies - 300
S1 - 0
S2 - 1
S3 - 2
S4 - 3
S5 - 4
S6 - 5
S7 - 6
S8 - 7
S9 - 8
S10 - 9
S11 - 10
S12 - 11
S13 - 12
S14 - 13
S15 - 14
S16 - 15
S17 - 16
S18 - 17
S19 - 18
S20 - 19
None - 0
IsInBioscan - 1
IsOutsideBioscan - 2
HasFullHealth - 3
IsInFogRepellerRadius - 4
IsNextToTeammate - 5
IsLastManStanding - 6
IsNextToGlowstick - 7
HasFlashlightOff - 8
HasFlashlightOn - 9
IsCloseToEnemy - 10
IsFarAwayFromEnemy - 11
IsWieldingStandardWeapon - 12
IsWieldingSpecialWeapon - 13
IsWieldingTool - 14
IsWieldingMelee - 15
IsWieldingConsumable - 16
IsWieldingResourcePack - 17
IsWieldingHackingTool - 18
IsWieldingCarryItem - 19
HasLowHealth - 20
HasHighHealth - 21
HasLessThanAmmoSmall - 120
HasMoreThanAmmoLarge - 132
IsTeamAliveTwo - 140
IsTeamAliveThree - 141
IsTeamAliveFour - 142
InitialState - 0
Damage - 1
Health - 2
ProcessingSpeed - 3
Tool - 4
Muted - 0
Bold - 1
Aggressive - 2
_COUNT - 3
Helmet - 0
Torso - 1
Legs - 2
Backpack - 3
Palette - 4
Face - 5
Mining - 0
Service - 1
Tech - 2
None - 0
Neutral - 1
AssaultRifle - 2
Shotgun - 3
Keypad - 4
Circle - 5
Normal - 0
Low - 1
None - 1
Char_G - 2
Char_T - 4
Char_F - 8
Char_O - 16
IsClose - 0
IsVeryClose - 1
IsFarAway - 2
HasFlashlight - 100
HasMapper - 101
HasScanner - 102
HasGlueGun - 103
HasLockCutter - 104
HeavylyArmed - 105
LowAmmo - 200
PlentyAmmo - 201
IdleTalk - 0
PersonalEvent - 100
TeamEvent - 200
CombatEvent - 300
None - 0
Low - 25
Medium - 50
High - 75
Always - 100
Low - 0
Medium - 1
High - 2
Unlimited - 0
ShortCooldown - 1
MediumCooldown - 2
LongCooldown - 3
OncePerSegment - 4
OncePerExpedition - 5
Ignore - 0
LinkedToLayer - 1
Independent - 2
Exp1 - 0
Exp2 - 1
Exp3 - 2
Exp4 - 3
Exp5 - 4
Exp6 - 5
Exp7 - 6
Small - 0
Medium - 1
Large - 2
Artifact - 0
PhysicalSample - 1
LiquidSample - 2
Data - 3
Reality - 0
Dimension_1 - 1
Dimension_2 - 2
Dimension_3 - 3
Dimension_4 - 4
Dimension_5 - 5
Dimension_6 - 6
Dimension_7 - 7
Dimension_8 - 8
Dimension_9 - 9
Dimension_10 - 10
Dimension_11 - 11
Dimension_12 - 12
Dimension_13 - 13
Dimension_14 - 14
Dimension_15 - 15
Dimension_16 - 16
Dimension_17 - 17
Dimension_18 - 18
Dimension_19 - 19
Dimension_20 - 20
Include - 0
Exclude - 1
Hibernate - 0
PureSneak - 1
Detect - 2
PureDetect - 3
Patrol - 4
Awake - 5
Hunter - 6
Melee - 0
Ranged - 1
Tank - 2
Lurker - 3
PureSneak - 4
Scout - 5
Patroller - 6
Hunter - 7
BirtherChild - 8
MiniBoss - 9
Boss - 10
Easy - 0
Medium - 1
Hard - 2
MiniBoss - 3
Boss - 4
MegaBoss - 5
Biss - 6
Buss - 7
None - 0
Force_One - 1
Rel_25 - 2
Rel_50 - 3
Rel_75 - 4
Rel_100 - 5
Rel_15 - 6
Rel_10 - 7
Rel_05 - 8
Weakling - 0
Standard - 1
Special - 2
MiniBoss - 3
Boss - 4
None - 0
Force_One - 1
Rel_Value - 2
CurrentArea - 0
CurrentZone - 1
Normal - 0
AlwayBlock - 1
AlwaysAllow - 2
BlockedAndScrambled - 3
UseCustomProgressionLock - 4
UnlockedByExpedition - 5
EnemyWaveSpawn - 0
ElevatorBioscan - 1
ThickFog - 2
LightsOff - 3
LightsOn - 4
RemoveAir - 5
Quick - 0
Slow - 1
Rifle - 0
Pistol - 1
Melee - 2
CarryHeavy - 3
Knife - 4
Spear - 5
None - 0
player_enter_new_area - 1
player_enter_new_zone - 2
player_hacking_start - 3
player_hacking_success - 4
player_pickup_medikit - 5
player_apply_medikit - 6
player_pickup_ammokit - 7
player_apply_ammokit - 8
player_apply_disinfection - 9
player_pickup_artifact - 10
player_enter_terminal - 11
player_exit_terminal - 12
player_take_damage - 13
player_take_friendly_fire - 14
player_downed - 15
player_revived - 16
player_revived_2_total - 17
player_revived_3_total - 18
player_start_firing - 19
player_stop_firing - 20
player_fire_bullet - 21
player_fire_glue - 22
player_place_tripmine - 23
player_place_sentrygun - 24
enemy_scout_dead_from_melee - 25
enemy_dead_from_melee - 26
sticky_mine_explode - 27
sentry_gun_fire - 28
sentry_gun_ammo_depleated - 29
weak_door_opening - 30
weak_door_closing - 31
weak_door_punched - 32
weak_door_explode - 33
security_door_opening - 34
bioscan_start - 35
bioscan_end - 36
hibernating_enemy_spotted - 37
hibernating_enemy_heartbeat - 38
hibernating_enemy_wakeup - 39
hibernating_enemy_dead - 40
enemy_spotted - 41
scout_enemy_spotted - 42
scout_enemy_use_detect_ability - 43
scout_enemy_found_player - 44
scout_enemy_dead - 45
enemy_striker_attack - 46
enemy_shooter_attack - 47
enemy_dead - 48
enemy_big_attack - 49
player_low_health - 50
player_out_of_ammo_current_gear - 51
player_out_of_ammo_all_gear - 52
player_reload - 53
player_revive_start - 54
enemy_wave_spawned - 55
player_downed_2_total - 56
player_downed_3_total - 57
player_downed_4_total - 58
player_pickup_toolRefill - 59
player_apply_toolRefill - 60
player_pickup_commoditySmall - 61
player_pickup_commodityMedium - 62
player_pickup_commodityLarge - 63
player_pickup_consumable - 64
player_pickup_keycard - 65
gs_Startup - 66
gs_Offline - 67
gs_NoLobby - 68
gs_Lobby - 69
gs_Slim - 70
gs_FakeLobby - 71
gs_Generating - 72
gs_ReadyToStopElevatorRide - 73
gs_StopElevatorRide - 74
gs_ReadyToStartLevel - 75
gs_InLevel - 76
gs_AfterLevel - 77
gs_CaptureRecall - 78
gs_ExpeditionFail - 79
gs_ExpeditionSuccess - 80
gs_ExpeditionAbort - 81
game_quit - 82
term_Help - 83
term_Commands - 84
term_Cls - 85
term_Exit - 86
term_Open - 87
term_Close - 88
term_Activate - 89
term_Deactivate - 90
term_EmptyLine - 91
term_InvalidCommand - 92
term_DownloadData - 93
term_ViewSecurityLog - 94
term_Override - 95
term_DisableAlarm - 96
term_ActivateBeacon - 97
term_Find - 98
term_ShowList - 99
term_Query - 100
term_Locate - 101
term_Ping - 102
wobj_FindLocationInfo - 103
wobj_FindLocationInfoHelp - 104
wobj_GoToZone - 105
wobj_GoToZoneHelp - 106
wobj_InZoneFindItem - 107
wobj_InZoneFindItemHelp - 108
wobj_SolveItem - 109
wobj_SolveItemHelp - 110
wobj_GoToWinCondition - 111
wobj_GoToWinConditionHelp - 112
time_InLevel_0 - 113
time_InLevel_5 - 114
time_InLevel_15 - 115
time_InLevel_30 - 116
time_InLevel_45 - 117
time_InLevel_60 - 118
time_InLevel_90 - 119
time_InLevel_120 - 120
time_InLevel_150 - 121
time_InLevel_180 - 122
time_InLevel_210 - 123
time_InLevel_240 - 124
checkpoint_reload - 125
new_user_registered - 126
None - 0
FireMode - 1
Category - 2
BaseItem - 3
ItemFPSSettings - 4
AudioSetting - 5
MuzzleFlash - 6
ShellCasing - 7
Pattern - 8
Palette - 9
DecalA - 10
DecalB - 11
FrontPart - 12
FrontPartAttachmentA - 13
FrontPartAttachmentB - 14
FrontPartPerk - 15
ReceiverPart - 16
ReceiverPartAttachment - 17
ReceiverPartPerk - 18
StockPart - 19
StockPartPerk - 20
SightPart - 21
SightPartPerk - 22
MagPart - 23
MagPartPerk - 24
FlashlightPart - 25
FlashlightPartPerk - 26
ToolMainPart - 27
ToolMainPartPerk - 28
ToolMainPartAttachment - 29
ToolGripPart - 30
ToolGripPartPerk - 31
ToolDeliveryType - 32
ToolDeliveryPart - 33
ToolDeliveryPartPerk - 34
ToolDeliveryPartAttachment - 35
ToolPayloadType - 36
ToolPayloadPart - 37
ToolPayloadPartPerk - 38
ToolTargetingType - 39
ToolTargetingPart - 40
ToolTargetingPartPerk - 41
ToolScreenPart - 42
ToolScreenPartPerk - 43
MeleeHeadPart - 44
MeleeHeadPartPerk - 45
MeleeNeckPart - 46
MeleeNeckPartPerk - 47
MeleeHandlePart - 48
MeleeHandlePartPerk - 49
MeleePommelPart - 50
MeleePommelPartPerk - 51
PlatformPerkAID - 52
PlatformPerkBID - 53
PlatformPerkCID - 54
Muzzle - 0
ShellEject - 1
Magazine - 2
Sight - 4
Flashlight - 5
SightLook - 6
LeftHand - 7
RightHand - 8
Receiver - 9
Front - 10
ToolGrip - 12
ToolDelivery - 13
ToolPayload - 14
ToolTargeting - 15
ToolScreen - 16
ToolDetection - 17
ToolScanning - 18
MeleeHead - 20
RotationPivot - 40
GroundPlacement - 41
HeadshotMulti - 0
FirstShotInMagMulti - 1
LastShotInMagMulti - 2
DirectPlacement - 0
DirectPlacementWithRemoteTrigger - 1
Drone - 2
LongRangeSemi - 3
LongRangeBurst - 4
LongRangeSemiRemoteTrigger - 5
Explosive - 0
Glue - 1
Fire - 2
Health - 3
Alpha - 0
EnemiesAndPlayer - 1
Gamme - 2
Delta - 3
Zone_0 - 0
Zone_1 - 1
Zone_2 - 2
Zone_3 - 3
Zone_4 - 4
Zone_5 - 5
Zone_6 - 6
Zone_7 - 7
Zone_8 - 8
Zone_9 - 9
Zone_10 - 10
Zone_11 - 11
Zone_12 - 12
Zone_13 - 13
Zone_14 - 14
Zone_15 - 15
Zone_16 - 16
Zone_17 - 17
Zone_18 - 18
Zone_19 - 19
Zone_20 - 20
None - 0
Right - 1
Left - 2
Middle - 3
None - 0
StandardInventory - 1
RundownSpecificInventory - 2
SpawnedInLevel - 3
CurrA - 0
CurrB - 1
CurrC - 2
None - 0
Keycard_SecurityBox - 1
PowerGenerator_And_PowerCell - 2
Locked_No_Key - 3
Normal - 0
Story - 1
External - 2
ExternalStory - 3
ClosestToReactorNoPlayerBetween - 0
InElevatorZone - 1
OnObjectiveCompleted - 0
WhenExitScanMakesProgress - 1
TierA - 1
TierB - 2
TierC - 3
TierD - 4
TierE - 5
Surface - 99
Security - 0
Apex - 1
None - 0
SessionSeed - 1
BuildSeed - 2
StaticSeed - 3
Default - 0
Align_0 - 1
Align_1 - 2
Align_2 - 3
Align_3 - 4
Align_4 - 5
Align_5 - 6
CycleAllAligns - 7
None - 0
StartupScreenData_1 - 1
StartupScreenData_2 - 2
StartupScreenData_3 - 3
StartupScreenData_4 - 4
Unspecified - 0
None - 1
Micro - 2
Light - 3
Heavy - 4
ToDeath - 5
InstantRagdollDeath - 6
None - 0
StandStill - 1
PathMove - 2
Knockdown - 3
JumpDissolve - 4
LiquidSnake - 5
KnockdownRecover - 6
Hitreact - 7
ShortcutJump - 8
FloaterFly - 9
FloaterHitReact - 10
Dead - 11
ScoutDetection - 12
ScoutScream - 13
Hibernate - 14
HibernateWakeUp - 15
Scream - 16
StuckInGlue - 17
ShooterAttack - 18
StrikerAttack - 19
TankAttack - 20
TankMultiTargetAttack - 21
TentacleDragMove - 22
StrikerMelee - 23
ClimbLadder - 24
Jump - 25
BirtherGiveBirth - 26
TriggerFogSphere - 27
PathMoveFlyer - 28
HitReactFlyer - 29
ShooterAttackFlyer - 30
DeadFlyer - 31
DeadSquidBoss - 32
ScreamFlyer - 33
LowMidHigh - 0
OnlyLow - 1
OnlyHigh - 2
OnlyMid - 3
LowMid - 4
MidHigh - 5
LowHigh - 6
Ascending - 7
Descending - 8
Unchanged - 9
None - 0
OnStart - 1
OnMid - 2
OnEnd - 3
None - 0
OpenSecurityDoor - 1
UnlockSecurityDoor - 2
AllLightsOff - 3
AllLightsOn - 4
PlaySound - 5
SetFogSetting - 6
DimensionFlashTeam - 7
DimensionWarpTeam - 8
SpawnEnemyWave - 9
StopEnemyWaves - 10
UpdateCustomSubObjective - 11
ForceCompleteObjective - 12
LightsInZone - 13
LightsInZoneToggle - 14
AnimationTrigger - 15
SpawnEnemyOnPoint - 16
SetNavMarker - 17
StepProgressionObjective - 18
SetWorldEventCondition - 19
LockSecurityDoor - 20
SetTerminalCommand - 21
ActivateChainedPuzzle - 22
LightOnWorldEventObject - 23
EventBreak - 999
None - 0
IgnoreFoundObjectiveItem - 1
TriggerFoundObjectiveItemOnlyOnce - 2
HSU_FindTakeSample - 0
Reactor_Startup - 1
Reactor_Shutdown - 2
GatherSmallItems - 3
ClearAPath - 4
SpecialTerminalCommand - 5
RetrieveBigItems - 6
PowerCellDistribution - 7
TerminalUplink - 8
CentralGeneratorCluster - 9
ActivateSmallHSU - 10
Survival - 11
GatherTerminal - 12
CorruptedTerminalUplink - 13
Empty - 14
TimedTerminalSequence - 15
GoToElevator - 0
GoToExitGeo - 1
WeaponMovementAnim - 0
FrontPartAnim - 1
LeftHandAnim - 2
LeftHandMagAnim - 3
ReceiverAnim - 4
Sound - 5
DoUpdateAmmo - 6
Empty - 7
StockAnim - 8
RightHandAnim - 9
MagazineAction - 10
EjectCasing - 11
Semi - 0
Burst - 1
Auto - 2
SemiBurst - 3
SentryGunSemi - 10
SentryGunAuto - 11
SentryGunBurst - 12
SentryGunShotgunSemi - 13
None - 0
Security - 1
BulkheadDoorController - 2
DisinfectionStation - 3
Strongbox - 4
AirSupply - 5
PowerGenerator - 6
Terminal - 7
SmallPickupItem - 8
Sign - 9
ResourceContainerWeak - 10
ResourceContainerSecure - 11
BigPickupItem - 12
ResourceContainerCluster - 13
Corpse - 14
HydroStatisUnit - 15
HydroStatisUnitCluster - 16
CorpseCluster - 17
SecurityTurret - 18
GeneratorCluster - 19
GroundSpawn - 20
Dumbwaiter - 21
Main - 0
Secondary - 1
Third - 2
Towards_Random - 0
Towards_Forward - 1
Towards_Backward - 2
Towards_Right - 3
Towards_Left - 4
From_Random - 0
From_Start - 1
From_AverageCenter - 2
From_Furthest - 3
From_BetweenStartAndFurthest - 4
From_IndexWeight - 5
None_0 - 0
Pair_2 - 1
Few_5 - 2
Some_10 - 3
SomeMore_15 - 4
Many_20 - 5
Alot_30 - 6
Tons_50 - 7
Random - 0
Collapsed - 1
Expansional - 2
Directional_Forward - 3
Directional_Backward - 4
Directional_Right - 5
Directional_Left - 6
Directional_Random - 7
None - 0
Move - 1
Rotate - 2
Disable - 3
OnStart - 0
OnButtonA - 1
OnButtonB - 2
OnButtonX - 3
OnButtonY - 4
None - 0
GearStandard - 1
GearSpecial - 2
GearClass - 3
ResourcePack - 4
Consumable - 5
ConsumableHeavy - 6
InPocket - 7
InLevelCarry - 8
Pickup - 9
GearMelee - 10
HackingTool - 11
Never - 0
Always - 1
OnlyWarpToSpawnDimension - 2
OnlyWarpToOtherDimension - 3
English - 1
French - 2
Italian - 3
German - 4
Spanish - 5
Russian - 6
Portuguese_Brazil - 7
Polish - 8
Japanese - 9
Korean - 10
Chinese_Traditional - 11
Chinese_Simplified - 12
FloorUp - 0
FloorDown - 1
MainLayer - 0
SecondaryLayer - 1
ThirdLayer - 2
StartLevel - 0
MidLevel - 1
EndLevel - 2
SessionSeed - 0
BuildSeed - 1
FixedSeed - 2
Weight_is_zeroToOne_startToEnd - 0
Weight_is_exact_node_index - 1
OnNodes_WallsAndCeiling - 0
OnNodes_Ceiling_UpOnly - 1
None - 0
AlwaysAndOnlySpawnInRespawnerZones - 1
General - 0
Special - 1
Emergency - 2
Independent - 3
Door - 4
Sign - 5
DoorImportant - 6
MedicSmall - 0
MedicBig - 1
ArmorySmall - 2
ArmoryBig - 3
ResourcesSmall - 4
ResourcesBig - 5
ArtifactSmall - 6
ArtifactBig - 7
ObjectiveItem - 8
LootSmall - 9
LootBig - 10
Health - 0
Ammo - 1
Battery - 2
ArtifactBasic - 3
ArtifactUncommon - 4
ArtifactRare - 5
ArtifactLegendary - 6
ArtifactExotic - 7
ObjectiveScavangeItem - 8
None - 0
Small - 1
Large - 2
Concrete - 1
Metal - 2
Glass - 4
EnemyBody - 8
EnemyWeakspot - 16
Plastic - 32
Mud - 64
Gravel - 128
SheetMetal - 256
Catwalk - 512
Wood - 1024
PlayerBody - 2048
WeakLockMelee - 4096
Sand - 8192
None - 0
StartUp - 1
MainMenu - 2
ElevatorIdle - 3
ElevatorGoingDown - 4
Exploration - 5
Tension - 6
EncounterRegular - 7
CombatRegular - 8
CombatHidden - 9
SurvivalRegular - 10
SurvivalHidden - 11
SurvivalExtreme - 12
SurvivalEpicMoment - 13
Silence - 14
TensionMax - 15
Theme - 16
Testing - 17
IntentionalCombatHidden - 18
IntentionalCombatRegular - 19
EncounterHidden - 20
Both - 0
Local - 1
Sync - 2
Shell_None - 0
Shell_9mm - 1
Shell_45_ACP - 2
Shell_338 - 3
Shell_12_Gauge - 4
DigSite - 0
Refinery - 1
Storage - 2
DataCenter - 3
Lab - 4
All - 5
Floodways - 6
Mining_Reactor - 7
Plug_SubComplex_Transition - 8
Tech_Reactor - 9
Tech_Portal - 10
Gardens - 11
Mining_Portal - 12
InRelationToClosestAlivePlayer - 0
InSuppliedCourseNodeZone - 1
InSuppliedCourseNode - 2
InSuppliedCourseNode_OnPosition - 3
ClosestToSuppliedNodeButNoBetweenPlayers - 4
OnSpawnPoints - 5
FromElevatorDirection - 6
Normal - 0
Fail - 1
SpinningWaitDone - 2
SpinningWaitNoDone - 3
ProgressWait - 4
Warning - 5
None - 0
Help - 1
Commands - 2
Cls - 3
Exit - 4
Open - 5
Close - 6
Activate - 7
Deactivate - 8
EmptyLine - 9
InvalidCommand - 10
DownloadData - 11
ViewSecurityLog - 12
Override - 13
DisableAlarm - 14
Locate - 15
ActivateBeacon - 16
Find - 17
ShowList - 18
Query - 19
Ping - 20
ReactorStartup - 21
ReactorVerify - 22
ReactorShutdown - 23
WardenObjectiveSpecialCommand - 24
TerminalUplinkConnect - 25
TerminalUplinkVerify - 26
TerminalUplinkConfirm - 27
ListLogs - 28
ReadLog - 29
Start - 30
TryUnlockingTerminal - 31
WardenObjectiveGatherCommand - 32
TerminalCorruptedUplinkConnect - 33
TerminalCorruptedUplinkVerify - 34
TimedConnectionSend - 35
TimedConnectionVerify - 36
UsedCommand - 37
UniqueCommand1 - 38
UniqueCommand2 - 39
UniqueCommand3 - 40
UniqueCommand4 - 41
UniqueCommand5 - 42
Info - 43
Normal - 0
OnlyOnce - 1
OnlyOnceDelete - 2
Sleeping - 0
Awake - 1
PlayerInteracting - 2
DataMining - 3
Hacked - 4
CodePuzzle - 5
InputTest - 6
ReactorError - 7
AskToPlayLogAudio - 8
DoPlayAudioFile - 9
AudioLoopError - 10
Ping - 11
PasswordProtected - 12
EnterPassword - 13
Last updated
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