Adding Sounds into Wwise

Step 1: In the project explorer, right-click on the Default Work Unit in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy, and in "New Child", select "Actor-Mixer". Name this Actor-Mixer "SFXmixer"

Step 2: Right-click SFXmixer and create a new folder, and name it whatever you want. We will be putting all our sounds into this folder.

Step 3: Drag your .wav files directly into this folder in the hierarchy inside Wwise. It should prompt you with import settings, click import.

Step 4: Click on your sound, and in the Sound Property Editor, click on the "Positioning" tab. Check the "Override parent" box.

Step 6: Change the positioning to "3D". (Note: You can change the volume of your sound, or make your sound loop continuously in the "General Settings" tab)

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