Defines melee weapon animation sets alongside several timings related to them.
This datablock is referenced by a MeleeArchetypeDataBlock.
HoldToChargeTime - Single
Time in seconds that attack must be held for the weapon to begin charging.
MaxDamageChargeTime - Single
Time in seconds to reach full charge.
AutoAttackTime - Single
Time in seconds after starting a charge at which the weapon will automatically swing.
AutoAttackWarningTime - Single
Time in seconds after starting a charge at which a sound effect plays and causes the reticle to blink red (to warn that the automatic attack will occur soon).
FPIdleAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPSettleAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPWalkAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPRunAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPJumpAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPLandAnim - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPChargeCancelAnimRight - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPChargeCancelAnimLeft - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
FPAttackMissRight - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for the light attack that swings from the right (e.g. the first swing).
FPAttackMissLeft - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for the light attack that swings from the left (e.g. the second swing).
FPAttackHitRight - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation that plays after hitting a light attack from the right.
FPAttackHitLeft - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation that plays after hitting a light attack from the left.
FPAttackPush - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for pushing. Note: Pushes cannot normally be consecutively done faster than 1.2s. However, attacks reset this cooldown and allow two consecutive pushes to be performed afterwards, separated by push's combo time.
FPAttackChargeUpRight - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for charging an attack from the right.
FPAttackChargeUpLeft - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for charging an attack from the left.
FPAttackChargeUpReleaseRight - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for the charge attack that swings from the right.
FPAttackChargeUpReleaseLeft - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation for the charge attack that swings from the left.
FPAttackChargeUpHitRight - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation that plays after hitting a charge attack from the right.
FPAttackChargeUpHitLeft - MeleeAttackData (nested type)
Animation that plays after hitting a charge attack from the left.
TPAnimHashIdle - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashIdleCrouch - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeft - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeftCrouch - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeftCharge - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeftChargeCrouch - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeftRelease - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
TPAnimHashAttackLeftReleaseCrouch - AnimHash (nested type)
No description provided.
Last updated
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