GameData_RundownDataBlock_bin.json (filled)
The rundown datablock defines everything within the entire rundown, including levels, weapons, enemies, and more. Only one rundown can be loaded at a time, and it is chosen in the GameSetup datablock.
NeverShowRundownTree - Boolean
No description provided.
UseTierUnlockRequirements - Boolean
Whether or not to use unlock requirements for this rundown.
ReqToReachTierB - RundownTierProgressionData (nested type)
Progression data to reach tier B of the rundown.
ReqToReachTierC - RundownTierProgressionData (nested type)
Progression data to reach tier C of the rundown.
ReqToReachTierD - RundownTierProgressionData (nested type)
Progression data to reach tier D of the rundown.
ReqToReachTierE - RundownTierProgressionData (nested type)
Progression data to reach tier E of the rundown.
StorytellingData - RundownStorytellingData (nested type)
Data for title, visuals, and description of the rundown.
VanityItemLayerDropDataBlock - UInt32 (VanityItemsLayerDropsDataBlock)
The id for the vanity item datablock for this rundown.
TierA - List ExpeditionInTierData (nested type)
Expedition data for all levels in tier A of this rundown.
TierB - List ExpeditionInTierData (nested type)
Expedition data for all levels in tier B of this rundown.
TierC - List ExpeditionInTierData (nested type)
Expedition data for all levels in tier C of this rundown.
TierD - List ExpeditionInTierData (nested type)
Expedition data for all levels in tier D of this rundown.
TierE - List ExpeditionInTierData (nested type)
Expedition data for all levels in tier E of this rundown.
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