GameData_GearCategoryDataBlock_bin.json (filled)
This datablock collects several different DataBlock entries and types of metadata and integrates them into a single entry that can be referenced in the PlayerOfflineGearDatablock:
An ItemDataBlock entry (BaseItem, defining what kind of item something is)
4 ArchetypeDataBlock fire modes (for projectile weapons)
A Melee attack mode (also from ArchetypeDataBlock, for Melee weapons)
A priority list for Part alignments, used when a weapon is assembled in PlayerOfflineGearDataBlock
PublicName - LocalizedText (nested type)
In-game name, not used for weapons.
Description - LocalizedText (nested type)
Lobby description, not used by weapons.
BaseItem - UInt32 (ItemDataBlock)
PersistentID of an entry in ItemDataBlock.
HUDIcon - String
No description provided.
IconRotationOffset - Single
No description provided.
IconZoomOffset - Single
No description provided.
FPSArmPoseName - String
No description provided.
ThirdPersonFullbodyMovement - eFullbodyPlayerMovementSet (enum)
Third-person animation set this item uses.
SemiArchetype - UInt32 (ArchetypeDataBlock)
A reference to an ArchetypeDataBlock entry, 0th field in fire mode selection.
Does not determine a weapon's actual fire/usage mode, that determination is made in a weapon's PlayerOfflineGearDataBlock GearJSON.
BurstArchetype - UInt32 (ArchetypeDataBlock)
A reference to an ArchetypeDataBlock entry, 1st field in fire mode selection.
Does not determine a weapon's actual fire/usage mode, that determination is made in a weapon's PlayerOfflineGearDataBlock GearJSON.
AutoArchetype - UInt32 (ArchetypeDataBlock)
A reference to an ArchetypeDataBlock entry, 2nd field in fire mode selection.
Does not determine a weapon's actual fire/usage mode, that determination is made in a weapon's PlayerOfflineGearDataBlock GearJSON.
SemiBurstArchetype - UInt32 (ArchetypeDataBlock)
A reference to an ArchetypeDataBlock entry, 3rd field in fire mode selection.
Does not determine a weapon's actual fire/usage mode, that determination is made in a weapon's PlayerOfflineGearDataBlock GearJSON.
MeleeArchetype - UInt32 (MeleeArchetypeDataBlock)
No description provided.
PartAlignPriority - List GearPartAlignPriority (nested type)
Determines how parts with conflicting aligns behave.
name - String
Internal name string for this DataBlock entry.
Not used in-game.
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