Using SoundBanks in GTFO

Step 1: Add BepInExPack_GTFO, MTFO (if you don't have them already) as a dependency to your profile/mod.

Step 2: In your profile, add the .bnk and .txt file to the path:

           └──(your soundbanks)

(Create the "Assets" and "SoundBank" folder if they don't exist)

Step 3: Use the sound event ID inside the .txt file to put into MTFO datablocks to use your sound ingame. Make sure to use the sound event ID (highlighted below) which is located on the upper half of the file, not the audio ID which is located on the lower half of the file.

This sound event ID can be used in in-game events, as well as:




There's also a DataBlock for weapon sound effects, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mr Bro out

Last updated