Writing a Plugin class

The following Plugin class will allow BepInEx to load and handle your compiled assembly as a plugin

In Visual studio right click "Class1.cs" in the solution explorer and rename it to "Plugin.cs". Choose "Yes" to rename all references

If you do not have a Class1.cs you can create Plugin.cs instead by choosing Project > Add Class...

Copy and paste the following code into "Plugin.cs" replacing the entire contents of the file

If you do not see where to paste the code into, double click the Plugin.cs file in the solution explorer

using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Unity.IL2CPP;

namespace MyFirstPlugin;

[BepInPlugin("MyFirstPlugin", "MyFirstPlugin", "1.0.0")]
public class Plugin : BasePlugin
    public override void Load()
        // Plugin startup logic
        Log.LogInfo($"Plugin is loaded!");

Save your changes by selecting File > Save Plugin.cs

You should now be ready to compile your first plugin

Last updated