How to set up your project for editing and compiling
We will be creating a Library project written in C# targeting all platforms
First create a new project and choose "Class Library" - "A project for creating a classlibrary that targets .NET or .NET Standard"
Then write a name into the Project name field, such as "MyFirstPlugin" and click "Next"
Next ensure you have ".NET 6.0 (Long-term support)" selected as your Framework and click "Create"
When the project is finished creating you should see "Class1.cs" open
Click Project > Edit Project File and replace it with the following
The following project settings assume you have r2modman installed in the Default location with BepInEx installed and run at least once
You can change which r2modman profile is used by editing the Profile property
Additionally, you can also change the BepInEx path to your preferred location by editing the BepInEx property