Step 1: Add BepInExPack_GTFO, MTFO (if you don't have them already) as a dependency to your profile/mod.
Step 2: In your profile, add the .bnk and .txt file to the path:
(Create the "Assets" and "SoundBank" folder if they don't exist)
Step 3: Use the sound event ID inside the .txt file to put into MTFO datablocks to use your sound ingame. Make sure to use the sound event ID (highlighted below) which is located on the upper half of the file, not the audio ID which is located on the lower half of the file.
This sound event ID can be used in in-game events, as well as:
There's also a DataBlock for weapon sound effects, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mr Bro out
Step 1: In the project explorer, right-click on the Default Work Unit in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy, and in "New Child", select "Actor-Mixer". Name this Actor-Mixer "SFXmixer"
Step 2: Right-click SFXmixer and create a new folder, and name it whatever you want. We will be putting all our sounds into this folder.
Step 3: Drag your .wav files directly into this folder in the hierarchy inside Wwise. It should prompt you with import settings, click import.
Step 4: Click on your sound, and in the Sound Property Editor, click on the "Positioning" tab. Check the "Override parent" box.
Step 6: Change the positioning to "3D". (Note: You can change the volume of your sound, or make your sound loop continuously in the "General Settings" tab)
Step 1: Click on the "SoundBanks" tab, right-click the "Default Work Unit", and create a new Soundbank. After doing this, press F7 to open the SoundBank workstation, or press the "Layouts" tab in the window menu, and selected "SoundBanks". You can press F5 to close the Manager, or use the aforementioned tab.
Step 2: Click on the "Events" tab, and drag your "Play" sound event into the SoundBank Editor.
If you want to create more sound events, you can drag them into the same SoundBank. This includes "Stop" events, which will stop a sound playing, which is necessary for stopping looping sounds. (e.g. Door alarms)
Step 3: To export the SoundBank, right-click the SoundBank in the SoundBank Manager, and "Generate SoundBank(s) for current platform", or press Shift-F7.
Step 4: To view your SoundBank file, right-click the SoundBank in the SoundBank Manager, and select the last option in the drop down menu, "Open Containing Folder", for the SoundBank. (Make sure not to select the second last option that opens the folder for the Work Unit.)
You should end up with two files, the .bnk file (the SoundBank itself), and a .txt file, containing your Event IDs. This .txt file is necessary for using your SoundBank.
Mr Bro will teach you how to create soundbanks to add custom sounds
Audiokinetic Wwise is a software development kit (SDK) for audio content creation and integration in games and other interactive media, the tool used by 10CC to integrate audio into GTFO. Wwise also includes a soundbank system, which allows developers to organize and access their audio content, using sound events. To add custom sounds to GTFO, we will have to use Wwise and create SoundBanks within the application.
A SoundBank is a container of sound events, and the objects and audio data required to play them. GTFO uses SoundBanks created by Wwise to play all of its audio in-game, ranging from its dynamic music system to enemy sound effects.
Who is Mr Bro?
Hi there, my name is Mr. Bro and I'm a big fan of the video game GTFO. Everyone has been asking for ways to add custom sound and here is a guide on how to do so! Looking into it I have found a way how to use Wwise to create custom soundbanks and have created a plugin to put these soundbanks into GTFO. Personally it was very difficult at first, but I look forward to hearing feedback from other players and continuing to improve my creations!
Step 1: In the "Events tab", click on the "Default Work Unit" in the "Events" folder, and create a new "Play" sound event. Click on the "Play" sound event you created.
Step 2: Click back onto the "Audio" tab, and drag your sound from the hierarchy into the "Target" box in the Event Editor. (Note: This Event Editor will only display given you clicked on the "Play" event in the Events tab)
Step 1: Download the Wwise launcher from the link below. From inside the launcher, download Wwise version 2017.1.9.6501.
You also probably want to use audacity to convert audio files to the .wav file format, because that's what Wwise requires. The download link is below.
Step 2: Using Wwise version 2017.1.9.6501 create a new project, and uncheck all of the asset groups, none are required for our SoundBanks.